Pascal’s Triangle can be defined as an equilateral triangle denoted by infinite numbers. There is a basic rule for demonstrating numbers within Pascal’s triangle. Each number found in a row is the addition of numbers found in the above row of the triangle. By looking at the triangle, we would find that the first number on top of the triangle represents 1. Eventually, every number on the sides of the triangle going down also represents the number 1. The numbers in the middle change depending on the number in the above row.

Evolution of Pascal’s Triangle

Within a Pascal’s Triangle, there is no row below the base since it has infinite numbers represented by the triangle. The numbers keep on going continuously. Pascal’s Triangle is named after the French mathematician, Blaise Pascal, who used the concept in the seventeenth century for his studies regarding probability theory.

Pascal was not the one to discover the concept of Pascal’s Triangle. The concept is studied throughout the world more than thousand years earlier. Mathematicians from around the world, such as China, Italy, Germany, India and Persia used Pascal’s Triangle way before he was born. Pascal mainly derived many uses of the triangle and utilized this concept for more Mathematical purposes in different fields.

Patterns of a Pascal Triangle

The pattern that represents a Pascal Triangle is quite simple. Although with its simple representation, mathematicians around the world are completely amazed by its different connections in the fields of Mathematics. The concept does not only serve children for their maths lessons but is also used in the branches of probability, fractals, algebra and many more.

Pascal’s Triangle has been a concept of great fascination for a long time. Mathematicians get to find more interesting patterns while working on them for many practices. Mathematics is itself referred to as the study of patterns and the concept of Pascal’s triangle is more important for this field. Some of the mathematical representations of Pascal’s Triangle are quite difficult to understand even for advanced mathematicians. But some simpler examples and uses can be figured out by a student as well.

When we look into the pattern, we can check that the left and the right sides of the triangle always consist of 1. The next set represents a diagonal with the numbers counting as 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. Eventually, there is also a pattern to be found if we add up the numbers on the above row. The added up numbers are represented within the next row of the triangle. As we descend a row more, the sums of the numbers double up forming a pattern that represents powers of two.

Real-life uses of Pascal’s Triangle

Apart from mathematics, Pascal Triangle is used in probability theory for different combinations. We can furthermore explain this with the help of an example. Assume that there are 10 different flavors of ice cream available at a shop. Spending a certain amount, one can have 4 flavors at once. So how many possibilities are there to get 4 different flavors of ice creams? Here we use the concept of Pascal’s triangle. The answer is 210.

These are a few basic properties of Pascal’s Triangle which we need in many areas of Mathematics. Not only is it simple to understand, but also helps in finding a solution easily. Pascal’s Triangle is used in Algebra, Probability and even fractals for advanced mathematical purposes. Thus if you are eager to learn math, please visit Cuemath online to clear your concepts and get in depth knowledge in the field of mathematics and coding.