Top 6 best strategies to rank a website in Google UK

Just launched your new website and are looking to get new customers on board? For that, your audiences need to find your website. Ranking up among the mill of websites can be quite daunting and challenging.

Therefore, do not underestimate the marketing strategies.

About 75 per cent of online visitors do not go past the first page, according to Hubspot. Luckily, there are numerous ways for upping your ranking, including content, link building services, and mobile-friendliness, among others.

Strategies for ranking up your website

Content Quality

High-quality content covers a broad spectrum of the respective topic at hand. Also, the content must be of real value to the user.

Content is nothing without search intent. As an example, look at the search results for ‘how to make almond and butter cookies. The search engine will display blogs and videos. The reason is that the searcher is looking to learn, not buy. And the Google search engine understands that. Quality beats quantity, always! With that said, if your website is to feature on the first page of the search engine, make sure that the content aligns with the user intent.

Types of search intent


The category includes search queries that pertain to specific information. The query can be as vague as ‘what is the weather today?’ Alternatively, it can be one that merits considerable scientific inquiry. For instance, ‘what are the long-term effects of hypnotherapy’.


The intent caters to a user or searcher looking for a particular application, solution or website.


In this one, the user is looking for a specific product to zero down on the final decision. Examples of commercial search queries include ‘best wireless earphones’ or ‘best insurance policy.’


The searcher has made the final decision to make a purchase. Examples include ‘buy JBL wireless earphones’ or ‘buy iPhone 13’.

Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness and Accuracy

Apart from search intent, there is also E-A-T and informational accuracy. E-A-T stands for expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness. These are vital signals for websites that cover sensitive or beneficial topics such as finance and health. Both these topics fall under the YMYL – Your Money or Your Life – spectrum. For such topical inquiries, content written by subject matter experts is ranked higher by the Google search engine. Since these subjects affect people at a personal level, factual accuracy is of utmost importance.

Link building

Also known as backlinking or hyperlinking, link building is among the strongest tell-tales or signals in the search algorithm of the Google search engine. The more links that your website has, the better your ranking. However, note that these links should be from high-authority domains and websites. That is, these websites should be well-renowned among the crowds for their credibility and reliability. Forbes, New York Times and the Guardian are some examples.

If you are a business owner, an SEO specialist or a site administrator, make it a point to keep close tabs on the backlink profiles. Doing so is ever more paramount given the recent updates such as Penguin 4.0. The engine had recently undergone a cleanup wherein it cleaned and filtered websites with low-quality backlink profiles.

Think of backlinks as confidence votes, if you may. An effective way of attaining credible links is to keep a close eye on your competition. Better yet, replicate the link building strategy of your competitors.


It was in November 2016 that Google announced mobile-first indexing. What this means for websites is that their mobile compatibility or friendliness directly impacts the search rankings. Back in the day, website developers and designers built sites for desktop versions. Come today, and the tides have turned! Mobile usage has surpassed that of desktops. With that said, websites of today should prioritize mobile versions to render optimum user experience.

The mobile-first approach is already serving as a change agent for search results. This transition is particularly evident for local results. Users now receive better and precise results as these are targeted based on their current location. What’s more, is the considerable impact rendered from geolocation. The avenue shall affect local search queries on desktop computers and laptops as well.

Page Loading Speed

Yet another ranking factor is the page loading speed. Since the mobile-first indexing approach, this parameter has come to the frontline. Today, websites with slower page loading speeds will find it challenging to feature among the top search queries. Google intends to provide search results that provide the best user experience.

The good thing is that you can check and test their websites for page loading speeds. A proven way is to keep a close tab on the size of content files uploaded onto their websites and watch this movie

Core Web Vitals

Launched recently with its full rollout in November 2020, vitals aim to reward websites with impressive loading, interactivity and visual stability. Think of this as a three-in-one pack, if you may. The three metrics are Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). LCP measures the time taken to display the most significant element on the screen. Note that this element can be an image, a text or even a video. FID measures user interactions by measuring the time taken for the page to load. CLS is a measure of visual instability of content. The metric looks at all the layout shifts on the

Google Analytics

The tool is powerful and will guide you into improving your website ranking. The analytics provide a deeper dive into all the parameters – content performance, keyword density, clicks, impressions, bounce rates, and others.

Going Further from Here

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for ranking your website, and nor do all the techniques work equally for everyone. Some trials and tribulations need to be done. Also, improving your website ranking is not a flick of a few clicks. It needs to be revisited from time to time; it is an ongoing endeavor.