Reactivating Your Patients – As a healthcare provider, one of your main goals is to ensure that your patients get the care they need. But what happens when patients don’t follow up or return for their follow-up visits? Reactivating these patients is essential to helping them stay healthy, and it can be challenging to do. In this blog post, we’ll explore five proven strategies for reactivating your patients so you can give them the care they need.

The power of the phone call

In today’s digital age, it can be easy to forget the importance of a simple phone call. However, the power of a personal phone call must be addressed when reactivating your patients.

Studies show that patients are more likely to respond positively to a phone call from their healthcare provider than to an email or text message. This is because a phone call provides a more personal and empathetic connection that can help rekindle the patient-provider relationship.

To use the power of the phone call effectively, consider creating a campaign specifically designed to reactivate patients who last visited your practice a while ago. Assign staff members to make these calls and give them a clear script to follow, highlighting the importance of regular check-ups and the benefits of staying on top of their health.

The personal touch

An effective way to reactivate your patients is by giving them a personal touch. Personalized communication makes patients feel valued and appreciated, and it’s a great way to re-establish a connection with those who have fallen out of touch. Here are some ways to go about adding a personal touch to your patient reactivation strategy:

  • Use Their Name – Personalization starts with addressing your patients by name. Addressing them by name can help you establish a personal connection with them.
  • Get Personal – Go beyond generic greetings and use information about your patient’s health and wellness goals to craft personalized messages. Share relevant articles, ask them about their progress, or offer customized advice.
  • Use a Friendly Tone – Speak in a friendly, approachable tone to make patients feel more comfortable. This can make them feel valued and heard.
  • Acknowledge Their History – Show your patients that you remember them and care about their history. Refer to their past visits, treatments, and any health concerns you’ve discussed.
  • Offer a Warm Welcome – Use your office waiting room to create a warm and inviting environment. Greet patients with a smile, provide them with refreshments, and offer comfortable seating.

The personal touch can significantly impact patients and encourage them to return for future visits. By investing time in your patients, you’ll see greater success in reactivating those who have been inactive. Remember to stay empathetic, attentive, and show your patients they are valuable members of your healthcare practice.

The follow-up

One of the most important strategies for reactivating your patients is to follow up with them regularly. This means checking in with them after their last appointment, ensuring they are satisfied with their treatment, and answering any questions. The most important part of a successful follow-up strategy is to keep it personal and tailored to the individual patient. This could involve sending them a handwritten note, a text message, or an email, depending on their preferred method of communication.

In addition to simply checking in, the follow-up should also provide patients with valuable information they can reference to maintain their health. This could include tips, information about new procedures or technologies, or even special offers or promotions. It’s important to remember that the follow-up should never feel like a sales pitch. Instead, connecting with your patients and building trust over time should be a genuine effort. By doing so, you’ll not only be more likely to reactivate patients who have fallen off the schedule, but you’ll also be setting the stage for stronger patient relationships.

The timing

Timing is key when it comes to reactivating your patients. You want to reach out at a convenient time and when they are most likely to respond positively. One important element to consider is the length of time since their last appointment. If it has been several months or even a year, consider reaching out sooner rather than later to ensure they do not forget about your practice.

Another element to consider is the time of day you are reaching out. People are usually preoccupied during the day and may need more time or energy to speak with you. Consider calling during evening hours when they are more likely to be home and available to chat.

It is also important to consider any seasonal or holiday-related factors that may impact your patient’s availability. For example, if you are reaching out during the holiday season, they may be preoccupied with family obligations or travel plans. Consider sending a message or email before the holidays to remind them to schedule their next appointment after the festivities.

The incentive

Lastly, offering an incentive can be a highly effective way to re-engage with your patients. Everyone loves a good deal or reward, so it can be a powerful motivator for those who have fallen out of the habit of visiting your practice.

The type of incentive you offer can vary depending on your practice and budget, but here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Discounted services or products. Offering a discounted service or product can be a great way to encourage patients to return to your practice. For instance, offering a discount on teeth whitening or a free oral hygiene product with their next appointment.
  • Referral rewards. Word-of-mouth marketing can be a powerful tool, so consider offering an incentive to patients who refer others to your practice. This could be a discount on their next appointment or a gift card to a local restaurant or store.
  • Loyalty programs. Implementing a loyalty program can incentivize patients to return for regular check-ups and appointments. For example, they receive a free service or product for every five appointments.

When choosing an incentive, consider what will be most appealing to your patients and what is within your budget. Remember to promote your incentive on social media and in-office to remind patients of the value of returning to your practice.

Reactivating patients who have been inactive for a while can seem daunting, but it is possible to re-engage them with the right strategies. The power of the phone call, personal touch, follow-up, timing, and incentive is crucial to successfully reactivating your patients. While it may require effort and resources, the benefits of reactivating patients are immense. Reactivating patients can lead to increased patient retention rates, a healthier bottom line, and, most importantly, happier and healthier patients. So, start implementing these strategies today and watch your patient engagement and retention soar!