Make Your Online Casino Business Successful

No matter where in the world you start a business, it will always stand or fall, depending on the marketing strategy you have. You can’t earn money if no one can find you. But to be found you’ve got to spend money. So it is only logical you want the best strategy money can buy. And in this case, the online casino business isn’t different.

Jettie Oosterveen is a renowned Dutch gambling marketing strategist with more than 10 years of experience in this market. Let’s take a look at what he thinks.

Target Group

The first thing you need to do when starting to make a plan for an online casino business is to determine who you want to target. There are multiple ways to do that, and you should find the way that works for you.

When you’ve got a target group, you have to find out as much as possible about that group. What do they like, when are they available, and where do they respond to. All these types of things can be very important for the next steps.

Digital Marketing

When you’re talking about an online casino business, the first place you may want to start is online. It helps that you’ll instantly get a market group that at least has access to your product. Of course, it is still better to focus on your target group and tailor your marketing to them.

Digital marketing in the online casino world can be difficult to pull off. There are already a lot of other online casinos there. So you should also find a good market. Take the Netherlands, for example. The online casino market opened there in October 2021. That means there still aren’t a lot of online casinos there that are eligible.

Given that the market there is still far from full, it can be very beneficial to start an online casino business over there. It has a population of over 17 million people, with just 10 online casinos. And of all the big international players, there are just a couple that are allowed in the Netherlands.


There are a plethora of ways to market your online casino business. Each manner has its pros and cons. Make sure you find out which one works best for you. Each business is different, so each business needs its own tailor-made strategy.

Next to that, most strategies only work a couple of times. If there is too much repetition in the market, it will no longer be effective. So be aware of people trying to tell you that only their strategy is working. It might be that it had worked in the past, or even that it still works. But it also usually means they are a one-trick pony, and whenever it no longer works, they have no alternative ideas.

Feedback Loop

Now that you have a strategy, you know who you want to target and how. It is time to start marketing. Create a budget and use it to the full possible extent. And keep a feedback loop. Make sure you keep data on how the marketing affects your online casino business.

With this feedback loop, you can perfect your digital marketing in online casino initiatives. And in a matter of time, you’ll be able to reap the rewards of your plan and make it so that you can start earning money. That more and more people will come to your business and it will only become easier and easier.


No matter what business you are in, marketing is always a big part. So make sure your marketing is on point, and make it the best you possibly can.