The importance of landing pages

What is a landing page, and what is it for?

A landing page, or landing page, is mainly used in the context of an advertising campaign.

Therefore, it is a page specifically created to welcome your visitor and quickly strengthen your advertising offer.

If the visitor is on this page, your ad has piqued their interest. It, therefore, remains to complete the argument and finish convincing him.

Why the landing page is essential to the success of your campaign

The primary goal of a landing page is conversion. All the elements of this page must therefore design to get the Internet user to take a defined action: buy a product or a service, subscribe to a newsletter, fill out a form, watch a video, etc. . It is therefore essential to clearly define your objective before starting the design.

How do you measure the success of a landing page?

The first step, define the objectives.

Here are some examples :

  •  Increase our natural positioning
  •  Sell ​​online
  •  Establish initial contact with qualified potential customers
  •  Increase the reach of our channels (social networks, newsletter)
  •  Etc.

This step carries out before the design of the landing page. It should take into consideration your type of audience. Unknown, known, or regular visitor? Our approach will be very different depending on how well you know your client.

The performance criteria will be adapted as much to your customers as to your objective.

landing page

Here are the main KPIs ( Key performance indicators ) of a landing page:

  •  Rebound rate
  •  Conversion rate (purchase, registration, etc.)
  •  Exit page (audience engagement in the rest of the site content)
  •  Click rate, download, video view

The more precise your objectives and target, the more we can define advanced performance criteria.

A / B testing deploys to measure two types of approaches and deploy the most effective.

Improve the performance of your landing page

landing page

After measuring the first results, some tips for building an effective landing page.

  1. As little distraction as possible, get straight to the point. Your visitor did not come to this page by magic. You influenced them. We, therefore, focus on a specific action.
  2. Offer no option, no choice. A compelling “call to action.”
  3. Consider removing your site’s navigation bar (the menu).
  4. One landing page per ad and target audience. We do not influence gender or age groups in the same way—ditto for geographic locations.
  5. Highlight very quickly the benefits and advantages of the action you are seeking to provoke in the user.
  6. Be consistent between the user’s research and your page. For example, the keywords/expressions that you will choose for an Adwords campaign must relate.

I’m still talking about it because I was recently exposed to this harmful practice; your landing page must be mobile!

In conclusion

Landing pages are essential complementary tools to any advertising action on the web. Use them to have the maximum chance of a return on your investments.

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